Thursday, July 30, 2009

"A Tribute To Queen Lili'uokalani of Hawaii"

Aloha Everyone,

I have been working on my studies since my last post, how have you all been? I come today to share with you a piece of Hawaii's past history. I suppose my thoughts lately have been on Hawaii, (im always thinking of her) In commemoration of "Hawaii's 50th Year of Statehood" i want to take pleasure in sharing this YouTube presentation of Hawaii's last reigning queen.

Her story is of courage, honor,& strength by all who have knowledge of her legacy....A woman who fought till the end, then imprisoned for what she believed in. A biography worth reading about. Her name is LILI'UOKALANI


  1. Deb, those are wonderful photos. I've never seen the majority of them. She was such an intelligent,gracious, and caring queen. She sacrificed her kingdom so as not to sacrifice any of her people. That was a very sad time in the history of Hawaii.

    You need only to read her autobiography to discover how well educated, well written and what kind of a true christian she was. She was heads above many of the so called Christians that came to Hawaii in that time.

  2. Hi Deb,
    I have thouroughly enjoyed reading your blog and learning about your wonderful home. Hawaii continues to be high on my list of places to see and someday, I know I will get there. If most of the people are as gracious as you are, I know it will be hard to leave!
    Joyce (from BF)

  3. Aloha Karen & Joyce,
    I'am glad that you both have enjoyed the post. I have been working on more post's and hope that you both can stop by again.

    I appreciate the thoughtfulness of you both!


Aloha from Hawaii~
Mahalo for visiting my "MidlifeImpressions" blog. I hope you enjoyed it,(even if just a little!) It would be encouraging of you to acknowledge your presence~I will honor & value such thoughtfulness.
