Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Solar Eclipses Viewed From Space"

Solar Eclipses Viewed From Space

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I found this post on "StumbledUpon" and was very inspired by the scene's photographed in space. It is so remarkable how our earth and the whole solar system is such an incredible place to examine and study. It is not going to be a place I will get to visit anytime soon, so I appreciate these postings to allow me to examine space on my own and in the comfort of my own home. So many dreams and wonders of how it would feel to be an astronaut in space.

This post is shared by Edward-on July23,2009 at 10:00AM on StumbledUpon
and tagged: Astronomy, Earth, Earth Obervation, Eclipse, Moon, NASA
It is a blog entitled "The Large Picture Show"

It starts with a series of photos of an actual eclipse of the sun over China, in July 2009. NASA footage "Earth Observatory"

Next you can view a total eclipse that happened in March 2006, a shadowed is cast by the moon as it moved between the sun and earth. Images of its shadow across southern Turkey, northern Cyprus, and the Mediterranean Sea.

And a total solar eclipse over Antarctica.
Please enjoy these photos, I know that I have tremendously.


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Aloha from Hawaii~
Mahalo for visiting my "MidlifeImpressions" blog. I hope you enjoyed it,(even if just a little!) It would be encouraging of you to acknowledge your presence~I will honor & value such thoughtfulness.
