Friday, October 2, 2009

Hawaii 50th anniversary statehood

Hawaii 50th anniversary statehood

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"The Hawaii Reporter-Hawaii's Online Resource for Business & Government"
this article post is a "Proclamation From The Govenors Office" and is in reference to history linking to Hawaii's Statehood Day.

Special Events/People-that had direct impact to the official transformation of Hawaii from a territory, into a state. That will forever be recognized as a part of the United States of America.

King Kauikeaouli' Kamehameha (3rd)-
in 1849 made the initial attempt, on the behalf the voters to acheive full statehood.

Prince Jonah Kuhi'o Kalaniana'ole/Territorial Delegate-
by 1919 introduced the first 33 bills to congress regarding Hawaii's Statehood.

After much opposition, John Burns successfully negotiated the admission of Hawaii as a state in 1958.

The following year President Eisenhower offered statehood to Hawaii and the voters approved the bill.

Territorial Govenor/William F.Quinn-
First elected govenor in Hawaii.

In Honolulu/The State Capitol Building-
was completed on March 15,1969 The eight Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Ocean, volcanoes, palm trees, canoes, and island flora are symbolized in the capitols unique architecture.

Our state seal designed by-Viggo Jacobsen, is a modified version of the "Royal Coat of Arms of the Hawaii Kingdom."

Our motto remains the same-
"Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono."-"The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."

State Bird-Nene or Hawaiian goose.
State Flower-Pua aloalo/yellow Hibiscus.
State Gem-Black Coral.
State Fish-Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
State Tree-Kukui."

Thanks to-The Hawaii Reporter and StumbleUpon for making this information available.

Mahalo Everyone,

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